A lot of people have asked me what I do on a daily basis so, here you go...Below is a detailed journal of Friday, July 8, 2011. This turned about to be a pretty standard day for me when we play at home. Road games, especially when I wake up in a hotel room (as opposed to a commuter trip like Helena) are a bit easier. Regardless, here you go...
6:15--I wake up to my first alarm, which is one of the verses from Ben Rogers' recent hit, "DFW Digs Dirk" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyrnp_2HHlY)...an instant reminder of the Mavericks Championship is a great way t start the day. When I am feeling crazy I will substitute that classic song for Chuck Cooperstein's Final Call of Game 6, announcing the Mavs as Champions. But, I did say my first alarm. I never get out of bed to my first alarm. I already have another alarm set for 6:30 so I lay in bed and check my email and text messages. 95% of my text messages from the time I sleep to the early time I wake are updates from ESPN. Emails, on the other hand, are usually relevant. I estimate that I receive around 70 emails a day and send out around 30, on average. I wake up with 17, 12 of which are relevant.
6:30--Second alarm, time to shower, brush my teeth, etc.
6:50--I am dressed and ready to go...On my way to work I first call my Dad just say Good Morning, and then decide I am in a music mood, not an ESPN Radio mood for the quick trip and listen to 3 Doors Down's "Be Like That"
6:58--I pull up at Centene Stadium. Unlock the doors, turn off the alarm, and head to my morning office which is in the conference room of the main office.
7:02--I update the Game Notes I provide for every home game. Sometimes I am able to do this after the game but some of the updates depend on when MiLB produces its daily report so often times it has to wait until morning.
7:11--Finish my updates and I email myself the document because my laptop does not have printing capabilities.
7:12--I walk to the front desk computer, grabbing a Berry Propel on the way (I love Propel). With my cell phone now switched to the 1310 The Ticket, the local sports radio station I grew up listening to in Dallas, it's now time to print.
7:14--At home, I print out the following for the following people....
Jim Eackland (Historian): Game notes*,stat pack^, team stats, & rosters
Jason Nitschke (On-Field Host): Game notes,stat pack, team stats, & rosters
Greg Pierce (Clubbie): Game notes,stat pack, team stats, & rosters
General Media (4): Game notes,stat pack, team stats, & rosters
Scouts% (3): Game notes,stat pack, team stats, & rosters
Opposing Coaching Staff (3): Game notes ,stat pack, team stats, & rosters
Gary Ward: Game notes, stat pack, team stats, rosters, previous game's box score, L/R matchups#
Brian Drahman: Game notes, stat pack, team stats, rosters, previous game's box score, L/R matchups#, and if the roster has changed, an alphabetized roster of his pitchers
Ryan Newman: Game notes, stat pack, team stats, rosters, previous night's box scores for all games, expanded stat pack@, SP report+, streaks>
Visiting Broadcaster/Myself: Game notes, stat pack, team stats, rosters, previous night's box scores for all games, expanded stat pack, SP report, streaks
Fans: Today, 100 double-sided rosters, but can range from 50-200 depending on expected attendance
*This is a seven page report which includes a specifics on the day's game, a sidebar of the team's schedule/results, some history, a little blurb on each player/coach, last night's scores, standings, relevant nuggets updated for that game, upcoming matchups/probable pitchers, bullpen gamelog, and the team's record in very specific splits
^Produced by the league, it includes more detailed standings, text highlights of previous night's games, league-wide probables, league leaders, and team stat rankings
#How each batter on both teams fares against RHP/LHP and how each pitcher on both teams fares against RHB/LHB
@Includes L/R matchups, but also individual player situational stats (i.e., hitting with runners on base, with runners in scoring posotion, when leading off an inning, among others for both hitters and pitchers), how a player fares at home and on the road, and how they have fared in their last 5/10 games
+Detailed game log and summary of how a pitcher has done this season
>Lists all the relevant streaks in the league, like hitting streaks and on-base streaks, overall, at home, and on the road
%Sometimes we have scouts who show up and want information. Their copies are left in the office.
I print one copy of every sheet which I need, with the exception of each team's individual stats for which I print 5 copies. The reason is because as I put together these packets, I make double-sided copies, but stats, especially for a broadcaster, are much more useful when on separate sheets. The printing gets done as I try and print out all the documents but making the first double-sided packet usually gives me about 10 minutes of waiting. During this time I update the website, in which I post an article and update the headlines. The website is very tough to deal with especially for someone like me who has almost no experience doing stuff like that. I think its getting better though...
7:38--The stapling and organizing begins...
7:47--Office phone rings and, against my will, I answer. It is someone who asks a ridiculous question...
7:56--All packets are put together and now its time to deliver them. I leave Greg his in his office with the three for the opposing staff. I deliver our staff theirs and put Jason and Jim's copies in their box. The scout copies are put in the office by the front desk and I keep all media copies for when I go to the press box.
8:05--In record time, my printing is done...Usually it takes an hour start to finish but my efficiency levels are off the charts today.
8:10--Time to tend to my emails, both ones i have sent and those I need to send. I am a big networking guy and like to reach out to about ten people/day, whether its established people in the industry or whatnot. Now, I can email like a machine, but I am ADD so A) I need to be listening to something, either music for my enjoyment, or sports radio for my benefit and enjoyment and B) Especially in the morning, it is a guarantee I get sidetracked by the internet...
8:15--One of the members of our stadium's cleaning crew alerts me the main concession flooded. I check it out, although I know I am about as useful in this situation as my 16 month old nephew, Chase, would be. I call Scott Reasoner and he informs me he will be in soon. Ultimately, the situation with some hard work gets fixed.
8:28--The emailing resumes. (As a side note, I prepare a rough schedule for my day the night before...always. In some ways it keeps me on track but it also in some ways is a fault. Sometimes i feel like not being so regimented would be nice, but I feel like I work at optimum levels with it the way I have it now...Obviously, everyone is different...
8:47--I give Chad Cleveland, from IMG Sports, a call. A part of my networking outreach he asked me to call him in the morning between a time frame so I did but he did not answer. I planned for about 20 minutes on the phone with him so by not answering, that gives me some time to get even more ahead of schedule...By the way, I botched my voicemail...thankfully you can now "Erase and re-record"
8:51--I post an article on newest Voyager, Keenyn Walker, and do some research on him as well...
9:11--I get a text from one of my best friends, Brad, continuing a discussion about some events going on in our lives. I am not going to detail each text throughout the day, but it is worth noting I text ALOT.
9:14--Time to find trivia for tonight's game. I love trivia...
9:22--I take the media packets up to the press box and slowly begin to transition to my "upstairs office." I do a little bit of cleaning in my booth and in the opposing broadcaster's booth as I notice some of his materials were blown out of order by the wind.
9:31--I take some of the papers I printed for myself and hang them on the wall to my right. I typically have team individual stats, last night's box score, rosters, and pitching reports to my right as reference...During a game I will usually reference the rosters and the stats (can't put them all in my book).
9:42--I go back downstairs and listen to last night's game. I like to listen to almost all of my games (Some I will be too pissed off to listen to). This is to help myself improve but also to try put together my reel. I am too ADD to just sit through commercials so this time I update the music on my phone. I technically can put all the music on my itunes on my phone, but I don't like to so I have about 33% of my library on my phone and like to update it from time to time.
10:45--After 3 innings of listening, I turn to my broadcasting notebook, something I put together years ago and still add to which is 30-page document of phrases and tips. I review it as much as I can, working on different parts each time.
11:02--I start to work on my pregame show, putting together the audio clips for the highlight segment and think of ways I can improve it and the questions I want to ask our manager, Ryan Newman, who will be tonight's subject.
11:28--I just shoot the breeze with Erik, one of the interns, about a variety of stuff. Ryan, another intern, and my roommate, joins in eventually. This period includes more random internet surfing...
11:59--I go up to the Press Box to record my in-stadium open, something we have been trying to get to work all year. it's something to be played over the PA...I am told tonight's the night. It welcomes you to the park, reviews the last night, previews the games, and promotes our next big giveaway.
12:20--Almost four hours between checking emails is almost a record for me, but I am greeted by 13 new ones to sift through. Some I deal with immediately, others I wait to deal with.
12:30--Erik and I go to lunch, choosing Wendy's. Hate that I am eating fast food but I am a big Wendy's fan...
1:12--I officially make my final transition to the press box, sitting down and first reading an article on The Decision, and how, despite all the controversy, it helped the Boys and Girls Club so much.
1:15--I think of the direction I want to go with my interview with Ryan and also think of, conversationally, what I want to cover with the players. Its important that I, even if it is not in an interview, keep up with them. For instance, Qualon Millender is leading the team in walks so I jot down that I want to approach him about his approach and whether it vaires from either side of the plate (he is a switch hitter), and if he has always had a good eye, etc.
1:20--I call a friend because my ADD suggests it was time to get sidetracked.
1:27--Check email...
1:31--When forgetting what I was about to do, I check email again.
1:33--Sidetracking continues with ESPN.com where I tragically learn that former TCU basketball coach, Neil Dougherty, passed away. I met him once and he was a great guy.
1:45--I go to the office, grab eight program and proceed to the clubhouse to get autographs for our Lucky Signature initiative. This is a great time for me to also talk to the players. Most of our convos are off the record as any friend would have with another, but there is a time for business...
1:52--I introduce myself to Keenyn Walker and he seems like a great kid
2:12--I go upstairs and begin to fill out my scorebook...I color-coat and like to be neat and organized so when all is said and done, it takes around an hour to get everything done (I can do it quicker if need be and I very rarely do it in one sitting)
2:31--I go down to the clubhouse and wait for the coaches conference call to finish. I already know our lineup because Newman posts it, but I need the card to make copies of for various people.
2:41--While waiting, I decide to jump in with some of the pitchers and do an abbreviated medicine ball workout. I like being able to take part in stuff like this because I think it helps me connect with them and helps them realize I am a normal guy! All-in-all, my relationships with these guys are great.
2:58--I get the lineup and make copies. I leave one for Jason Nitschke because he is in charge of the ballpark's lineup board, and I leave one for the opposing manager. The rest of the copies go upstairs to the press box.
3:09--I go down to the field for no reason other than to watch Salvador Sanchez pitch in a sim game (pitcher versus hitter, no fielders). Salvador was the first player I met that I didn't know beforehand when I picked him up from the airport. He has an incredible story which a blog post will be dedicated to later on, but what you need to know now is that "Super," has been in the organization for a while and people go out of their way to talk about how much they love him as a person. He is back in Great Falls transitioning from hitter to pitcher. Anyway, I go down and find that I am about one of 20 who are out to watch him throw, none of us with any obligation to be there, but simply there to show our support.
3:20--I interview Ryan. He is always so helpful and accomodating.
3:25--I talk to Keenyn and let him know about some interview requests he already has and ask to set up one with him for tomorrow.
3:31--Dixie, Billings' clubbie (Great Guy!) gives me their lineup so I repeat what I did when I got ours but, instead of giving their manager a copy, I leave one for our staff.
3:37--Back down to the dugout, I am just hanging out and talking to the guys. Joe walks in. He and I are very close and have a big brother-little brother type relationship which means we love to give each other grief. Behind his back? I'll stick up for him and boost him up at all times. To his face? I can't let his ego get too big! The guys I think enjoy our relationship and its so special that he and I are getting to share this experience.
4:02--I go up to the press box and get the music on for BP. We really need to get an improved sound system and equipment because it fades in and out and is so annoying.
4:07--I go down for BP. I love to watch and hear the instruction provided to know what each hitter is working on but also just to learn about the game.
4:40--I take pictures of the three guys a part of the team trying to grow out a mustache for the blog so I take the pictures and update the blog
5:02--I begin to send the audio files needed for pregame to the radio station's email account I set up for Voyagers games for our board op to load and cue up. I then have an idea...
5:09--It's kevin vance's 21st and he is, by nature, hilarious, so I figure, for his birthday, I will record him reading our starting lineup. I go down, ask him if he wants to (he does) and tell him I'll let him think of his material and I'll come back in 20
5:11--I walk around, talk to some fans, including Fred Williamson, a longtime Voyagers fan and host parent (Peter Gehle, this year). I love talking to the fans and the workers. For one, I am just a guy that loves to meet people, but I feel like it allows me to truly understand the heartbeat of the organization. I always talk to the parents of Jarrett Casey--awesome people!
5:30--Grab Vance and record the lineup...he nails it with some funny jokes mixed in...
5:37--I finally send all the audio to the station and connect with my board op for the night, Joe, to go over some things...
5:40--I listen to pre-recorded audio I have of Jerry Howarth, the Blue Jays PBP broadcaster. I like to listen to established guys 20-30 mins/day. My go-tos are Jerry, Jon Miller, and Eric Nadel, but I like to listen to a variety to learn.
6:05--I go down and get a pre-game meal with Billings broadcaster, Ryan Schuiling. He gets a beer baron hot dog and nachos, I get a chicken strips basket with fries. The walk down and up is a time for us to just talk. We do a lot of talking about life but also relevant game stuff when we are sitting in our booth before the game.
6:11--I go to the bathroom.
6:13--I set up the internet tabs I need readily available for the game to get everything done and organized (Gmail, team's facebook page, MLB scores, PBL scores, promotional schedule, their roster, our roster (so i can click on a player for game log info, weather, and something else that might be relevant) I also make sure my recording software is a go. And I organize my desk.
6:20--I relax and just clear my head, maybe reviewing something but also just hanging out.
6:31--I give my pregame handshakes to the gentlemen of the press box, a tradition they are now used to...
6:33--I confirm two minutes until airtime. I am not a very religious person. I am Jewish and proud of it. But, I always look up, talk to my deceased relatives and ask them to take care of my family and friends and allow me to have a good broadcast.
6:35--On air with the pregame!
6:38--I cue up the interview by "setting it up" on air and then go to the bathroom one last time before the game as it plays.
6:41--I am back on headset and its go time...
9:33--Game ends. Broadcast goes okay. Wish we would have won...
9:45--I finish post game, get some food, and begin writing my post-game wrap.
9:54--I go to the locker room to talk to the guys. I always like to congratulate those who played well with a handshake and pat the guys who didn't play well on the back. Obviously, there are times when I need to stay away from guys but I feel like I have a good gauge of that...I typically always talk to Joe for a few minutes after the game. He had 4 hits tonight and I just give him a hard time about being a home run shy of the cycle.
10:01--I talk to the Thorpe's (Randall's family) and some of the other fans who are still around.
10:10--I begin to get everything straight for the website and hang out with the staff after a long seven-game homestand.
11:35--Leave the park, go out for a bit, and then get ready to do it all again!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
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