Saturday, June 5, 2010

06.05.2010: Break Out the Brooms...Just Not the Fireworks

And the Lunkers sweep the Beetles! What a way to start the season and finally some offensive production. Ten runs on 12 hits, the bats and the arms came to play last night.

I am starting to get to know the guys on the team better and they are all fun to be around. I can't wait to meet the players not yet here and I can't wait to hang out with them more.

Alexandria has a neat park to broadcast from, but tough at the same time. The sun shines right in your face and it is difficult to see the ball off of the bat. Once the sun sets, or if it is blocked by the clouds, it is really neat being at ground level.

I am having an absolute blast through three games. In all honesty, one of my concerns coming into the year was whether I would be counting down the outs until the end of the game. I know it is only three games, but that is not at all the case so far. The minute each game ends I am excited to do preparation and research for the next game.

I do want to bring up the topic of fireworks, however. As a fan, they are awesome--a cool spectacle of lights and fire in the night sky. As a broadcaster trying to do a post-game show...different story. But, hey, whatever sells tickets, right?

I want to mention John Wooden today and write more extensively about him tomorrow. I didn't know him, never met him, but from all I have gathered, the world lost a tremendous human being whose legacy will carry on forever. Not to trivialize his passing, but when I think of John Wooden leaving this world, I can't help but think of one of my favorite movies quotes of all time: Heroes get remembered, but legends never die (The Sandlot). John Wooden is--not was--a legend.

Hot Sports Opinion of the Day: Rumors circulated today that the Pac-10 is prepared to offer bids to expand their conference to the following teams: Texas, Texas A&M, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Colorado, and Utah. If completed, the move would make the Pac-10...I mean, Pac-16, an athletic powerhouse unmatched by any other conference. It would stand alone, creating a new tier in conference competency. Currently, we consider six conferences to be major or power conferences...The Pac-16 would stand a level above the remains of these conferences.

Despite the power, I would hate the move. I don't like that these six conferences would be consolidating to five. Why? Because the moves are being made to further benefit the conferences and Universities, financially. They make no sense, otherwise. I mean, it's crazy enough that Texas and Texas A&M would join the Pacific Athletic Conference, but at least the southern tip of Texas (not where either schools are located), touch water. Oklahoma and Oklahoma State are inland and in the middle of the flipping country. Colorado and Utah, geographically, sort of pass the test...

There is so much history in the Big 12 and it is about to be torn apart. Whether those five teams (Utah is in the Mountain West), Missouri and Nebraska are almost locks to go to the Big 10 and their more lucrative 'Big Ten Netowrk,' which brings in tons of money for its teams annually.

Hailing from a Pac-10 school, I love the move because it gives the conference more athletic credibility, so when my Trojans lose just one game in a season, they are still paid their due respect. I like the idea of more Texas-USC sporting events. I like having the four most successful athletic programs in the country (Texas, Stanford, UCLA, and USC) in the same conference. But something just doesn't seem like. I feel like I, as a fan, am pulling for the New York Yankees as they buy away every star player on a small-market team. Plus, I am a Texas, who, despite not having a true collegiate allegiance in the conference, grew up with the Big 12 right in my backyard.

Will it happen? I don't if that proposal will, specifically, but there will be shakeups. What will the effect be? I don't know...even more of an athletic imbalance? Probably. Much, much better matchups and a guarantee for an incredibly more lucrative TV deal? Certainly. What am I being reminded of? Money controls everything.

Sports Pick of the Day: The Blue Jays (Romero) over the Yankees (Pettitte). Look for Romero, the up and coming lefty, to shut down the Bronx Bombers.

Record: 5-3
Streak: L1

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